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Freediving lesson 1

1 minute read

Did first lesson on freediving today. Didn’t do eLearning before the lesson and was completely out of my mind when packing for the lesson: took kids swimming...

Analog TV from cheap fpv goggles

less than 1 minute read

Couple of weeks ago I’ve bought 2 broken fpv kits from EMAX for my Tinyhawk spare parts. They came with radios, lipos and goggles. Since I already have one f...

Workaround for Betaflight, VTX or SmartAudio

6 minute read

Since I learned that my Tinyhawk’s upgraded Rushfpv Tank Ultimate mini VTX supports different power levels, I started switching it to 800mW most of the fligh...


3 minute read

Somewhere around first week of July this year I tried a non-DJI drone, a BetaFPV Pavo and didn’t fly even 2 seconds in acro mode.

ffmpeg cheatsheet

less than 1 minute read

Once again openning the door of video encoding. Found this gem to quick and easy explain different use-cases: ffmprovisr.

UAS pilot license as pkpass

2 minute read

I’ve got a UAS pilot license (basic one A1/A3), via free online course & exam. It took me around 3 hours.

Booting EFI in QEMU

2 minute read

How you boot a disk.img (dd’d from a drive) with a EFI bootloader using QEMU.

Personal Cloud on Hetzner, Part 2

4 minute read

In the previous part I’ve logged the process of setting up k8s on a Hetzner server. I’ve made some steps further in the last 9 days. Here they are.

Personal Cloud on Hetzner

9 minute read

After getting somewhere close to MVP with Awesome Job Descriptions web app, I’ve deployed it to Vercel and quickly realized that waiting for OpenAI’s Assista...

Awesome Job Descriptions

2 minute read

I am searching for a new job now, market is difficult, following the lay-offs from the last year and beginning of this one.

Learning Next.js

2 minute read

I have an idea: a freeform-to-structured job descriptions transformer web app.

Video Production Workflow

1 minute read

I’m busy with creating a Get Started page for negotiate.ninja, where there is a How It Works section. This is a series of steps with media, which I decided t...


8 minute read

One Monday evening, 11 December 2023 to be precise, I’ve got mail from GoDaddy — the easy domain registrator company, I’ve used. The mail titled “Important N...

My first GPT

less than 1 minute read

Mdae my frist GPT: 🤣

ChatGPT iOS App

2 minute read

ChatGPT iOS app has voice capabilities. There is no watchOS support. But I want it like Siri on my wrist.

For the record

less than 1 minute read

The killer picture of a cat with a msf letters, saved:

State in da url

1 minute read

I was writing a small web app with a UI for some optimization algorithm (more on that topic later). It all started with an idea to enable alpha-testing of th...

Shell func to group-n-count last identical lines

less than 1 minute read

This will be short. I was doing a lot of SQL imports last days and was tired of having not a helpful console output from the psql run. Something like this fo...

Stranger Things

less than 1 minute read

Watched 3 seasons with my daughter in one streak. Yesterday night started season 4. Damn, I was swang back into nostalgy, even though I was not playing Atari...

Unity tips

less than 1 minute read

Random tips

VR Workspace

3 minute read

Random thoughts on the workspace (for future me).

Hack week

3 minute read

Do I have a creativity crysis?

Audio monitors

1 minute read

Going next level with audio.

Mixing Audio in / out

less than 1 minute read

If you need to record something that’s being played on the same computer, keep on reading.

Last Week of the Year

1 minute read

Having last week as obligatory vacation I’m finishing some chores at home.


less than 1 minute read

Khm, some time ago I came to idea of buying a katana – samurai sword. I gave that idea a year to age. And once again it appeared in my mind recently.

Hackweek: OCC in VR

less than 1 minute read

The idea was to make a 3D model of the OCC (big) space and see current vs new design of the big screens wall in VR.

24 hours sail-race preparation

2 minute read

In late June, we talked about going to 24 uurs zeilrace. In late July, we registered Berta, a Halberg-Rassy 36 155, in the race. We are now 6 people with som...


less than 1 minute read

Collection of autoreloaders. Started.

Developing in Oculus Browser

1 minute read

So couple of days ago I’ve stepped into the gitpod.io – a service that runs VSCode in your browser window and loads folder from a link.

Coroutines of Unity

1 minute read

Recently I’ve stumbled onto a tutorial on using Linear intERPolation & Spherical Linear intERPolation in Unity.

Rocket of Life

less than 1 minute read

Take RocketTrail from Unity Particle Pack. Play with settings for couple of hours. Align Main Camera to catch the trail from start till end its twinkle. Scri...

VSCode Again

1 minute read

It’s funny but I did try swapping IDEA with VSCode two or three times already. For Scala projects. And everytime something was not compiling or not running o...

IDEA Intentions

1 minute read

Reading a comment on your PR, which you normally write youreslf, raises the bar.

Autonomous keyboard

1 minute read

It all started at ING, where I was stuck with ~elite book~ HP waiting for a macbook. I was desparate enough to search and by a UHK (version 1 at that time).

readiness and liveness probe of k8s

less than 1 minute read

Read and noted: https://blog.colinbreck.com/kubernetes-liveness-and-readiness-probes-how-to-avoid-shooting-yourself-in-the-foot/

Running on M1 macbookpro

less than 1 minute read

Here to collect problems and tips while running on a M1 macbookpro.

Your agreements tracker

less than 1 minute read

With GDPR all sites started asking for your consent (and they use cookies). Good that they asked. But, this way you don’t even read what’s there that they ar...

Stereoscopic 360 video

1 minute read

Last Tuesday, during proyotyping a demo for our idea at VR hackathon in KLM, I run into issues. Issues with putting a 360 video into a VR scene.

Creator. How to do it

1 minute read

It all started with a game, a game on Steam, that captured my thoughts today. I studied their site and ended up on Patreon. Which one I knew but not really.

PIP of Azure

1 minute read

Some notes on installation of a Python package from Azure feed.


less than 1 minute read

Spring of 2021, you just can’t find a 16 kilo kettlebell.

Everywhere calypso

less than 1 minute read

Today was another awesome lesson with Delbert. Was playing chord progression of Everywhere Calypso by Sonny Rollins:

So many things to learn

1 minute read

I was not making any records for almost 2 months. Will do that now.

Sometimes you’re forced to use old tools

less than 1 minute read

Somebody’s playing in security. You need to use docker-machine because you can’t run native docker on localhost (last commit to docker-machine repo on github...

Something to start with

1 minute read

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler —Albert Einstein