IDEA Intentions

1 minute read

Reading a comment on your PR, which you normally write youreslf, raises the bar.

That happened today with me. I asked for a code review and got response that everything was good, except the small comment:

maybe not for this PR, because it is also in other places, but named parameters would make this easier to review with all the None’s

That’s for the 10 arguments’ call with 5 None’s in a row. I normally fix such things when I touch them, as it is really hard to understand what is what there. But that day I was fixing compilation errors after adding new parameter (to a parameter of that call) and was doing that in bulk (open error place, add new default value for the test, next…) and didn’t pay attention to the outlining call with anonymous args.

So it raised the bar for me: to go and fix it in that PR. But I didn’t want to do that by hand. So after googling for some 10 minutes, I’ve learned about existance of Intentions in IDEA and one of them is really the one I need: Use named parameters for current and subsequent arguments. To open Intentions for the code, type Opt + Enter and select it from there.

