VSCode Again

1 minute read

It’s funny but I did try swapping IDEA with VSCode two or three times already. For Scala projects. And everytime something was not compiling or not running or not debugging. I think, that time back, debugging was not supported in Metals.

Recently I’ve appeared to be coding more often in VSCode: some React apps, some Unity scripts… So I decided to give it a try one more time for Scala. And saved a post (with a wrong title) to follow it up. So the post appeared to be of no help in setting up a Scala project or fixing potential issues, it only listed some good extensions. But the project I’m working now did not compile in VSCode, again! Actually it was failing on macro expansion of some quill code with have. And it was blaiming of missed --add-opens option for java.base/java.util, while nothing is said of that by sbt in termnal or by IDEA. We build and run in Java 11. I’m using jenv for management. I was laughing (or gigling, or swearing) at night and tried to configure that everywhere I could find: .sbtopts, .jvmopts, settings.json, build.sbt, .bsp/sbt.json, .bloop/*… no diff. And I gave up at night.

Don’t know why, I decided to ps aux | grep -i java while VSCode was compiling and I saw Java 17 running bloop.Server!!!

It appeared that change of "metals.javaHome" in settings.json does not restart that bloop. Actually it survives even VSCode restarts.

Kill it and start VSCode again (with proper "metals.javaHome") and errors are gone.


Some notes

  1. Gitpod looks like a nice idea to try in Oculus Browser

  2. Code server and deploys

  3. Settings Sync
