PIP of Azure

1 minute read

Some notes on installation of a Python package from Azure feed.

Let’s say you have a feed Boogaga, and the Connect to feed tell you to add this to your pip.conf:


One thing to change first: index-url to extra-index-url – that will allow checking default index (https://pypi.org/simple) too.

Then, you can also keep your pip.conf unmodified and install with the option:

pip install <fancy-package> --extra-index-url https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/Foo/Bar/_packaging/Boogaga%40Local/pypi/simple/

But that thing still doesn’t work, as pip install ... asks you to authenticate on pkgs.dev.azure.com.

So locally you can use these options to authenticate (ignoring obvious interactive one):

  1. Add authentication info to ~/.netrc (provided you have personal access token, see https://dev.azure.com/Foo/_usersSettings/tokens):

    echo machine pkgs.dev.azure.com login $USER password $PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN >> ~/.netrc
  2. Install artifacts-keyring, which should authenticate you via browser. I didn’t check that way, as it required dotnet:

    WARNING: Keyring is skipped due to an exception: Unable to find dependency dotnet, please manually install the .NET Core runtime and ensure 'dotnet' is in your PATH. Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dotnet'

    And I fell back to variant 1.

Then you go to the pipeline and here is only one option, to use PipAuthenticate task.

Note, that you need to provide project and scope (like @Local in my case) in the artifactFeeds input, and use onlyAddExtraIndex like this:

 - task: PipAuthenticate@1
     artifactFeeds: 'Bar/Boogaga@Local'
     onlyAddExtraIndex: true

You can even keep the same command in the pipeline:

pip install <fancy-package> --extra-index-url https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/Foo/Bar/_packaging/Boogaga%40Local/pypi/simple/

as PipAuthenticate will add one more extra-index-url to the list.
