Coroutines of Unity
Recently I’ve stumbled onto a tutorial on using Linear intERPolation & Spherical Linear intERPolation in Unity.
That appeared to be a nice small one tutor, where you pause it many times and open your Unity and try!
Here is a first result with LERP move: script control LERP move of a GameObject through checkpoints.
Side steps
One side step in that tutorial was to use coroutines (Unity) to run the transformations. And that was an interesting side step to see a good case for using them.
Here is a nice reading on Wikipedia about coroutines.
It is interesting also how example in Wikipedia tells it all, I’ll put it here:
var q := new queue
coroutine produce
while q is not full
create some new items
add the items to q
yield to consume
coroutine consume
while q is not empty
remove some items from q
use the items
yield to produce
call produce
And how example in Python docs tells no added value. Check what it shows:
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def main():
... print('hello')
... await asyncio.sleep(1)
... print('world')
That boolshit does not make any sense, compare it to straight:
def main():
If you have no idea why to use coroutines, you’ll have hard time finding that out from Python docs!