High Performance Computing, Webinar notes

less than 1 minute read

Hosts: Jeron Mulder, Paul Fijenm, Leon Gommans

Speaker: John Shalf.

AMD is openning its design to open. Allowing you to choose to put your IP there and accelerate your thing.

Standardizing die-to-die interfaces: to put nvidia IP and AMD IP on one chip, for ex.

Open Chiplets Marketplace.


Reinventing High Performance Computing: Challenges and Opportunities. March 8, 2022.

Roadmap, bandwidth density is going to be 2x every gen.

Will require deep understanding of applied maths and underlying algs to be performant in new era.

Google plays with (digital ?) quantum annuealer, but degrees of freedom is smaller than could be achieved with the specialised optimization (izing machine ?).

Quantum computers and HPC roadmap is not in our career lifes, it is still as sci-fi for now.

Data movement would dominate energy consumption. ~25% of planetary energy consumption would be for data centers in 2040.
