IME Q&A notes 13-01-2025

1 minute read

  1. Question: “when you soloing, do you tend to stay in one range?” – then ask yourself how to change it, approach the note with enclosure.

  2. Question: “are you in the endless eights notes?”

  3. CMS stage 1 is the thing that will help you to not get lost (root notes).

  4. TODO: Check notes on previous Q&As (feels like I need to start from scratch)

My performance:

  1. Jazz blues instead of basic blues. No turnaround. No extras. I need to ask to play basic blues next time. Guitar and support session need to support and not play in their own world.

  2. Learn how to control your nerves and adrenaline: everyday practice Music as if you’re performing!

  3. Think about that guy, to whom you can change his life with your music that day. Look at his eyes, stare at him even if he is at the end of the room!

  4. The audience always wants you to succeed.

  5. review the recording: what Donna is talking about hearing the pattern before signing it back (around 22:33 min). Ear training. Transcribe simple songs by ear: Nursery rhymes, Marry had a little lamb, Joy to the world, Jingle bells, Christmass songs, God save the Queen, etc.

  6. site.

  7. Tim Smith bass player – read his interviews etc.

  8. Next step for me: CMS stage 1 for Blue Monk, keep it in basic blues. When I’m done with CMS stages, then we’ll takle it in jazz blues.

  9. Embouchoure exercise: play on mouthpiece.
