Pendrive for disk image infusions, part 2

less than 1 minute read

This is the continuation of the previous part.

The changes is better to follow with the repo

This material was of a real good help:, and some learnings I’ve noted here. Another nice finding made installing the syslinux bootloader as easy as just copying it’s syslinux.efi binary under the fallback name, which is /EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi to the ESP partition, saving from the burden of installing VBR and MBR.

The memory consumption increased with EFI boot, and init ramdisk was not fitting into 128M anymore. Plus linux started complaining about misalignment between architectures of EFI (64 bit) and linux (32 bit), which effected as not listing /dev/nvme0n1 device (in my test scenario). That forced me to move to TinyCore pure 64 bit, which also increased the memory requirements. I ended up using 256M and it works for me now.


  1. Booting in system with Secure Boot enabled can be worked around using PreLoader.

  2. TinyCore linux provisions mounts in /etc/fstab (not automount) when system boots, and it’s wise to wait for the records to appear there and then just mount /mnt/sda2.
