ChatGPT iOS App

2 minute read

ChatGPT iOS app has voice capabilities. There is no watchOS support. But I want it like Siri on my wrist.

Writing an watchOS app capable of recording an audio and stopping when no more text is transcribed (with the help of iOS companion app) is done. Now I need to reverse engineer the networking part of ChatGPT iOS app.

Reversing ChatGPT iOS app

Using Charles proxy, and installing + trusting it’s CA certificate on iPhone allows us to see what’s is called by the app and what’s inside.

Apart from some comms to, that checks server status and profile data, we see one reply from that points to wss://

% curl \
  -H "Host:" \
  -H "Cookie: __cf_bm=q5jG......GXHnlY=; _puid=user-DUj.....84%3D; _devicecheck=user-DUj....%3D; _cfuvid=coOlo....800000" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "content-type: application/json" \
  -H "oai-device-id: D8B0XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX77E799" \
  -H "oai-client-type: ios" \
  -H "user-agent: ChatGPT/1.2023.311 (iOS 17.0.3; iPhone14,5; build 12705)" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJS...........MCGz32ehQBQ" \
  -H "accept-language: en-GB,en;q=0.9" \
  --compressed \
  "" | jq .
  "url": "wss://",
  "e2ee_key": "Z6apzs.....gJwN5",
  "context": "eyJhbGciOi..........64K7V46JAIWTSCE_Vg.-_W_xaze5z7T........................aDlB0uuw",
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1...........6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiIiwidmlkZW8.......WnJ4adZp_9XdI"


  1. auth bearer token is JWT:
      "": {
     "email": "",
     "email_verified": true
      "": {
     "poid": "org-oj.....",
     "user_id": "user-DUj...."
      "iss": "",
      "sub": "auth0|638e8...........53ec1",
      "aud": [
      "iat": 1699566816,
      "exp": 1700430816,
      "azp": "pdlLIX2Y..............5kBh",
      "scope": "openid profile email model.request organization.write offline_access"
  2. token in reply is a JWT:
  "name": "",
  "video": {
    "roomCreate": false,
    "roomList": false,
    "roomRecord": false,
    "roomAdmin": false,
    "roomJoin": true,
    "room": "fCA3X4........2vYGrN4",
    "canPublish": true,
    "canSubscribe": true,
    "canPublishData": true,
    "canPublishSources": [],
    "canUpdateOwnMetadata": false,
    "ingressAdmin": false,
    "hidden": false,
    "recorder": false
  "metadata": "",
  "sha256": "",
  "sub": "User",
  "iss": "API3......Me8V",
  "nbf": 1700046186,
  "exp": 1700046206
  1. context in reply looks like something encrypted (ChatGPT system context for their completion api?), ChatGPT suggests that it is JSON Web Encryption (JWE) token

  2. e2ee_key can be an end-to-end encryption key

Connecting to wss:// with some sample web app from with the token do happen, but no activity or answer from ChatGPT participant:

User and ChatGPT in

Going further we run livekit server locally:

% docker run --rm livekit/livekit-server generate-keys
API Key:  APIX......Qu9
API Secret:  6hPC.......................rV3liV
% docker run --rm -p 7880:7880 -p 7881:7881 -p 7882:7882/udp \
  -e LIVEKIT_KEYS="APIX......Qu9: 6hPC.......................rV3liVV" \

Then you need to generate token(s) for participants, using this nodejs script, for ex.:

const { AccessToken } = require('livekit-server-sdk');

const apiKey = "APIX......Qu9";
const apiSecret = "6hPC.......................rV3liV";

// if this room doesn't exist, it'll be automatically created when the first
// client joins
const roomName = 'name-of-room';

['ChatGPT', 'User'].forEach(participantName => {
  const at = new AccessToken(apiKey, apiSecret, {
    // identifier to be used for participant.
    // it's available as LocalParticipant.identity with livekit-client SDK
    identity: participantName,
  at.addGrant({ roomJoin: true, room: roomName });

  const token = at.toJwt();
  console.log(participantName, 'access token', token);

Then joining the room as ChatGPT from web app and as User with url and token rewritten by Charles.

Searching further for e2ee_key brings the end-to-end encryption functionality in LiveKit, which appeared to be not very supported in their React client and eventually the pure js sample was able to perform full room connections with decrypted audio. Thus ChatGPT iOS app is waiting for something else, as it shows “Connecting…” while already joined the room and audio is working and after some seconds it disconnects.

Parking it here for now. Asked a quesiton on OpenAI forum about the watch app:
