(Azure) Refresh Button Worshiper, Browser Extension

1 minute read

Last time, while making notes about Azure Portal, I’ve made a joke:

You just worship the cult of Refresh button — be my guest, hit it everywhere you see it, if you’re waiting for something from MSFT. (There should be a browser plugin with customizable intervals per every refresh button to be pressed on that portal — just kidding, there should be no custom intervals, that extension should just hit-that-button automatically or it would be from MSFT too).

Then I’ve checked and there was no such browser extension. And literally, while I was waiting for the experiments runs and endpoints deployments on Azure, I’ve made an MVP of such Safari Extension myself:

Azure Refresh Button Worshiper Icon

It waits 10s after you stop moving mouse or typing keyboard, then clicks on Refresh button on the page. Only on https://*.azure.com/*.

You can install extension from:

It is fun project and was a learning-while-doing.


Originally I called it Azure Refresh Button Worshiper but Apple found it a copycat and rejected the name. So it is renamed to Refresh Button Worshiper — I like it more, but I see a bit more hussle to market it without “Azure” in the name. Plus now it calls for a generic application: and I think I’ll pause it for a bit, until I find something similarly annoying as Refresh buttons on Azure.


Refresh Button Worshiper is available for $0.99 on the App Store, with no in-app purchases, no ads, and no tracking. It’s universal so you can use it on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. I hope you find it useful. It is also available for free on Chrome Web Store (if you’re interested why there for free – send me an email) and obviously you can compile the Apple app yourself from the codebase.

Refresh Button Worshiper Privacy Policy

Refresh Button Worshiper does not collect, store, or transmit any personal information.

Refresh Button Worshiper Support

If you have any questions, check discussions, email me or contact me on Twitter.
