Once again: notifying of long-running cli commands’ completion, in Apple ecosystem

1 minute read

Once again I’m starting a long task in terminal and I don’t want to wait for it infront of the screen. I’ve already had two options before: imessageme and facetimeme – two aliases for small cli scripts that sends iMesasge to me and calls me (my iPhone was showing that I’m calling), which I was placing after a long-running task. Somehow Facetime trick stopped working and iMessage was not notifying me on messages from myself anymore (probably treating them as readed). So what I’ve eneded up now is a new script that creates a reminder in Reminder.app with immediate due date. This way you:

  1. Get a notification on all your Apple devices (Mac, iPhone, Apple Watch, AirPods?)
  2. Exploit common Reminders’ UX, like Remind Me in an Hour or Mark as Completed
  3. Have a list of such Reports

As an extension, I’ve even made a remind-job-done shell function that can remind you when a shell job is finished, adding the start time of the process, the time you asked to remind about it (Waited since …) and the success/failure designator.

Check the scripts at aleksandr-vin/macos-scripts.


brew upgrade & remind-job-done

Then brew upgrade is made a background job which is immediately put into foreground and waited for completion.

This is how you see notification on iPhone: Notification on iPhone

And on Apple Watch: Notification on Apple Watch

And in Reminders.app: List of notifications in Reminders.app
